Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life o Life (LoL)

All day long, I’m staring at outside

Wishing life could have been better

I saw a textbook on my table

It reminded me of essay writing classes

Life is like an essay, a composition

It maybe short… It maybe long….

But who cares, it’s our stories anyway….

And we wish to write our own way

Life’s a narrative essay, a construct

Events after events shaping our very lives

Building our plot over time like a storyboard

Tales after tales, recounting our struggle with lives

Moments after moments, capturing our dramatized expressions

Logic or illogical, that’s our question of the story

Life’s a process essay, a change….

For better or worse…we will never know

Good or bad, Black or white…

How and how kept howling in the heart…

How could this happening in our life

Sequences of events playing in our mind

Life’s more than a cause and effect essay

We wonder why, we wonder how

We wander here, we wander there

What causes trouble, we asked…

What’s with the effect, we wondered….

Woe to the heart, we can’t help it…

Life can be a comparative essay

Discriminatory at its best while we were all the same

We shared the essence of being called humans

But race, religion and background differentiate us

Some are rich, some are poor, we’re not the same

Compare and contrast the realities of our lives

Life isn’t just a straight line, it has ups and downs

Life isn’t just ended with a line, it has full of paragraphs

Life isn’t just writing the essay, we have to plan and organize it

Life isn’t just rushing the essay, we won’t be able to complete it

Life is but a life, living out loud or living on loose, lit it up

Life is just lame since we talked as if we understand it..

Life is about getting a life, a brave account of how we live


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